Let’s get the basics out of the way with a not-so-brief introduction of myself. I figured by answering these questions upfront, you’d have a better understanding of me, my mission, and the purpose of this website. I apologize in advance for the length of this post but I believe it’s important for you to understand the wide range of experiences and sources I have drawn from in order to develop the ideas and conclusions that I will be sharing with you in future posts.
My name is Brock Hunter and this project is the result of many years of personal spiritual exploration and growth. And it’s the next phase of my own personal spiritual journey. However, the idea for this project, in this format, did not present itself to me until Thanksgiving of 2023. But in order to fully understand me and my mission for this project, I need to start at the beginning of my spiritual journey.
At a young age, my parents immersed us in a Lutheran church upbringing. For those who don’t know, the Lutheran church has the distinction of being the first Protestant offshoot of the Catholic Church, beginning with the nailing of his famous 95 Theses to the door of the church by Martin Luther.
My family went to Sunday School and worship services every Sunday. I was baptized, confirmed, and took communion in the Lutheran church. I was an active member of the church choir and an Acolyte. We read the Bible every night before bed. We believed in the Christian afterlife and the existence of Heaven and Hell, but my parents also fostered an open mind in alternative subjects such as ghosts, spirits, and psychic abilities, as well as more fringe subjects such as UFOs and ETs.
My break from the Lutheran church, and eventually Christianity and organized religion entirely, started with the deaths of two family members when I was around the age of 10. My great-aunt died first. I wasn’t close to her. I barely knew her. But what made this a significant event in my life was what happened as a result of her death.
My parents spent the next week in North Carolina tending to the affairs of my great-aunt. My brother and I spent that week at our grandparent’s house in Virginia. That was when I was introduced to meditation. One of my uncles had a cassette tape with a guided meditation recorded on it and he had me try it one day. It was a wonderful experience. One that I insisted on repeating every day for the rest of my visit. By the end of the week, meditation had become a regular part of my life.
My paternal grandmother died soon thereafter, due to complications during a surgical procedure. Not long after her death, I began to experience events that I recognized as paranormal. To be clear, by that time I already had experiences involving astral projection, precognitive dreams, and the ability to see spirits and ghosts all from a young age. But those things had been downplayed and relegated to the domains of dreams, coincidences, and imagination so I didn’t recognize them as the experiences that they were until many years later.
But after my grandmother died, I began experiencing things that couldn’t be downplayed. Though she was dead, I could feel her presence. Often that feeling was accompanied by the smell of her perfume or the smell of fresh strawberries (her favorite fruit if I remember correctly). And I could swear I felt her guiding me through life from the other side. When I discussed these experiences with church leaders, I was shocked by the answer I received. You see, I was informed that the Lutheran view on ghosts and spirits on Earth is that they are instruments of evil and deception by the Devil. My pastor had just told me that the spirit of my dead grandmother, a woman whose loving nature I could still feel, was an evil instrument of the Devil! That didn’t resonate with me very well at all. And thus my search for the truth began.
At first, I began attending various Christian denominational services. But that ended after I had another experience in which the Church’s explanation failed to adequately satisfy me. One day during Sunday school we were reciting the Lord’s Prayer, and halfway through I felt a sensation in my chest that I had never felt before. I finally understood it years later, and I instantly know it now as the feeling of my heart chakra opening. But at that time it was a completely new feeling. When I asked my Sunday School teacher about it, the explanation I received was that my heart had expanded to allow Jesus to enter. And while I can look back at that today through the lens of religious allegory and see how that could be the proper interpretation in that setting, it just didn’t resonate with me at the time. There was something more to it. I just knew it. My logical and analytical mind just couldn’t grasp the allegory behind the explanation I had received, so I continued my search for answers.
At that point, my path led me away from Christianity and I embarked on a journey of self-explored learning about other religions and pantheons. I began devouring every religious, spiritual, and mythological text I could. From ancient Greek and Roman mythology to the writings of Plato describing Atlantis. From the Bhagavad Gita to martial arts and their meditation techniques. From the Bible and the Book of Mormon to the writings of Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey regarding Satanism. From the teachings of the Buddha to Wiccan, Druidic, and Native American rituals, creation myths, and belief systems. I read books and watched documentaries on psychic abilities, astral projection, magickal theory, UFOs, astrology, tarot cards, divination, ancient alien astronauts, ancient civilizations, etc. The list goes on and on. I soaked it all in.
I learned about living in harmony with nature and the earth and alternative healing methods, including plant-based pharmacology, Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, and various other Eastern healing methods. I learned about Chi, chakras, auras, and energy work. I even read books on Feng Shui. I read and analyzed them all against each other looking for common threads. But nothing completely satisfied me. Nobody had all the answers. I knew in my soul that all of these things existed and were legitimate. There was plenty of documented evidence for all of them. I knew in my heart and soul that every religion I studied was correct in part, but that they were also wrong in part. None of them had it 100% accurate. They were incomplete. And through all of my research, I couldn’t find a common thread running through everything. Some commonality that would explain everything and make it all click into place. My logical, analytical mind needed to see a distinct line of cause and effect that could answer all of my questions. Sadly it continued to elude me and my search continued. At one point in time, I became so frustrated that I even claimed to be an Atheist, simply because the truth remained hidden from me.
Eventually, I developed a widely eclectic spiritual view that was comprised mostly of a combination of various pagan, Hindu, and Buddhist beliefs and practices. I was drawn to paganism after reading a specific Goddess creation story. If I can find it again I will link it or make a separate post, but in the meantime, I’ll paraphrase it. The creation story described how in the beginning it was just the Goddess and she was lonely. So she split herself into multiple beings, all of which fell into this, the material realm, and have been seeking to reconnect with her on a spiritual level ever since. It went on to explain that souls live through multiple reincarnations until they can balance their Karma and break out of the cycle of rebirth to rejoin the Goddess.
Now I couldn’t tell you why at the time, but that resonated with me on a very deep level. So I dove into various pagan religions and beliefs, fascinated by not only their personalized approach to a relationship with our Creator but also the ideas of magick and spellwork. I was drawn to the idea of being able to consciously effect change in my life through those practices versus putting blind faith in a Creator who supposedly had a plan for my life that I wasn’t supposed to know. In other words, I was drawn to the idea of participating in the spiritual universe and the process of creation, instead of just letting myself be swept along life with the belief that everything happens for a reason and it’s not meant for me to know what that reason is or to question and/or try to change it. I’ve never been on to just act on blind faith.
And then life intervened as it so often does. The next thing I knew 20 years had passed by and I had gotten caught up in all of the highs and lows of of my life and completely neglected my spirituality. I had kids. I got married. But life was tumultuous. And everything happening in the 3rd dimension continued to distract me from my spirituality. We lost everything and ended up broke and homeless.
Then I found a job with a company that included many spiritual people and a company culture that included many spiritual principles. This began my journey back towards the light. But even that wasn’t the catalyst of change for me. Fast forward another four years and I ended up being laid off from that company after the COVID-19 pandemic, when the economy, and in particular the cryptocurrency industry, took huge losses.
Then I happened upon the concept of universal consciousness and one day everything just clicked for me. I had been following the work of Dr. Steven Greer for many years, although not very closely up until that point. I can’t tell you what or why, but something drew me to him even more after I was laid off. I started to watch and listen to everything I could find with him speaking about the universe, Spirit, Extra-Terrestrials, and ancient history – along with how and why it has all been kept secret from us. I knew in my heart and soul that everything he said was true. But beyond that, he had proof. He could back it all up with evidence and testimony from people who were involved in those things personally. It was all documented. I have a legal background and experience and the fact that he had enough evidence to prove his claims by legal standards just made him even more credible in my mind. Thus he became my litmus test, against which I tested everything else on the subjects. And I returned to daily meditation practices – initially driven by the desire to make contact with extra-terrestrials.
And then the magic happened. The secrets of the universe began to present themselves to me through my meditation and other activities. I started seeing the signs all around me that Spirit was trying to communicate with me. So, I began to open myself up to Spirit, the universe, and its guidance and wisdom.
Since then, I have come to develop a very deep and detailed understanding of the Universe, Spirit, Creation, history, and all things related. I don’t claim to know everything. Quite the opposite, as every time I start to feel like I see the whole big picture, another layer peels back and reveals a deeper level for me to explore. But that’s part of the journey.
And that brings me to where we are now. I have now surrendered myself completely to the guidance of Spirit and I have found new levels of peace, love, and forgiveness, along with a strong desire to help others achieve the same thing. Spirit has made it very clear that my purpose is to be a spiritual teacher and healer, and that this is not something new to my soul. Throughout many incarnated lives I have always held a position as a healer and teacher and my incarnation on the Earth at this time is to assist in the elevation of human consciousness from the 3D to the 5D through teaching and healing.
So without any further delay, let’s begin!