I’ll preface this post by saying this information is likely going to challenge many of the deepest held beliefs of many of the people who read it, but it is not meant to offend. Rather, it is simply meant to inform of my understanding based on my perspective, perceptions, experiences, and knowledge. As everyone has a unique experience in this incarnation, your understanding may be different. And that’s the way it’s meant to be.
As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is quoted having said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” But here’s the part I had the hardest time wrapping my head around at first…
We’re all the same Spirit.
Yet, we also possess unique individuality. How can that be?
Because we are God.
We are not mere mortals, souls, spirits, two halves of a whole (aka twin flames), or any other way we can identify ourselves. Although the paradox is that we are all of those things and more. But that is because we are God. We are God, manifest in human form. You’re God. I’m God. The Sun is God. The air we breathe is God. The laptop I’m writing this on is God, and the electronic device you’re reading it on is God. Everything is God. Having a basic understanding of this fundamental aspect of existence is highly recommended in order to fully grasp everything in this and many other future posts.
Various religions have taught that mankind cannot possibly comprehend the true nature of God. But put simply, God, Spirit, Source, Universal Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Spooky Action at a Distance, Electromagnetic Energy, whatever name you choose to call it, is the only thing that truly exists. Spirit is everything and everything is Spirit. Everything. Every. Single. Thing. Everything we perceive, think, feel, believe, see, smell, touch, hear, taste, or imagine is simply a projection; a manifestation of a thought in the mind of God. Once you truly understand and accept this, then everything else starts to fall into place.
It’s a well established scientific fact that everything that exists is energy vibrating at a specific frequency causing it to take on whatever form we are perceiving and that energy can never be created or destroyed, only transformed. As Nicola Tesla stated, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” You just need to understand that it’s all the same energy and that energy is what we call God, or Spirit, or whatever you want to call it. And that’s all that is truly real.
But that energy is also conscious. It is consciousness in its purest form. Self-aware. Analytical. Illogical. Impulsive. Calculating. Chaotic. Ordered. And creative. Erwin Schrödinger stated, “The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.”
So Spirit, or God, is the only one conscious being that truly exists, and Spirit is a wildly imaginative, creative consciousness with the power and ability to manifest everything it can imagine so that it can experience that state of being. That’s why we are also individuals with a wide variety of unique individual experiences. Because we have to be. That is the purpose and meaning of life. To experience everything that can possibly be experienced. But it’s not possible to do that in a single lifetime on a linear timeline. Although another truth is that time is an illusion and Spirit is actually experiencing all things from all perspectives, in all forms, past, present, and future simultaneously. But for the purposes of understanding this fundamental concept, don’t try to go down that rabbit hole just yet.
Consider the idea that Spirit wants to know what it’s like to experience life as a human being, a dog, and a grain of sand floating on the wind, or even as the wind itself. How could that be possible? You could call it consciousness compartmentalization. Spirit literally creates a separate entity, a separate consciousness, some call it a soul, to experience each thing. But those separate entities, each with their own unique identities and consciousness, are all still fundamentally part of, and connected to, the singularity that is the one universal consciousness called God, or Spirit. Yet they also have their own individual conscious experiences and identities. This is why classical mythology talks of many different Gods and Goddesses. Because everything that exists is conscious and has its own unique identity. It has to be that way. That’s how Spirit experiences existence purely in that form, separate from all others. And remember, Spirit is wildly imaginative and creative, and wants to experience existence in every form possible.
When you truly understand this and begin to extrapolate what that really means, you will realize that anything is possible and you’ll start to see everything differently. You’ll understand that if it can be thought, envisioned, spoken, or imagined, it can, and will be created and experienced by Spirit on some level in some dimension. You will also start to see other people differently. Consider this. In order for God to experience what it’s like to be a homeless alcoholic, someone has to live that life. In order for God to experience what it’s like to be rich and famous, someone has to live that life. In order for God to experience the things you experience, you have to live your life.